Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quick Update

So today is the munchkin's 1 month anniversary. I can't believe he's one month already. On the one hand it feels like time is flying, but at the same time, I can't really remember life before our son arrived.

My parents, brother, and his girlfriend were in town this week. We had a good time. My mom loves hanging out with her grandson, so apart from my feeding the peanut, she'll do everything else - burp, change the diaper, whatever. I actually managed to get some rest while she was here. But it was also great to be with family the whole weekend.

I have been talking to Capitán Cacahuete in Spanish a little more than 50% of the time. It's not 100% of the time, but it's better than I expected to do. My husband has also been using some Spanish. He hears me say stuff like "mas leche" and "no llores" and the husband will start repeating it to Capitán Cacahuete.

The Peanut has still been eating a ton of milk. And as you can see from the picture below, it's going straight to his cheeks.

Searching for surf nurse.

We were using flatfold cloth diapers but we were unhappy with them, so we canceled the service. I just ordered a trial kit of different, more sophisticated cloth diapers and we just tried the first diaper. The cloth diapers are super soft and I really hope we are happy with them (and the extra work it will entail to wash them ourselves) because I definitely want something that soft against my son's skin. We'll probably still use disposables for outings and travel.

We still try to swaddle the Peanut because his motor skills are still developing so he scares himself by flailing his arms around as he tries to sleep. A blanket swaddle won't hold him, so we have this special blanket with Velcro that is "inescapable". But as you can see, that's not really the case with the Peanut.

No swaddle can hold me.

And here's another cute picture.

Looking for nurse! Again!


Anonymous said...

Beep! Beep!

Milk truck!

Pablo said...

You can also call him Capitan Maní. At least where I come from, maní is far more popular than cacahuate.

Cleaty said...

What's a mani?

Anonymous said...

It's a cacahuate.

Cleaty said...

Oh. Ok! Capitan Maní! Not referring to Manny Rodriguez.