Did you know that Canada has a yearly seal hunt? Seals, including babies, are brutally killed and often skinned while they are still dying. Why? For their fur. How sad and inhumane is that? There is a lot you can do, including boycotting Canadian seafood and writing letters to the Canadian Prime Minister and Embassy. And most importantly, you can let other people know.
Sorry to play devil's advocate, but would you care as much if seals were ugly? There are some darn cruel rat traps out there ;).
Oh those poor octopi...what evil things cleaty has in store for you! Maybe a fairer criteria would be the ratio of brain cells to total body mass.
Animals die at the hands of man; I agree that we should make that process as humane as possible. Still, part of me thinks that if the chicken had a vote, she'd just assume not to be killed at all. The method of demise would be of secondary concern :).
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