I'm still alive and not in labor. I've just been busy with the holidays, organizing our place, and resting. Yup, me who hates naps in the middle of the day and can't wait to get up to get stuff done has to slow down. My blood pressure is a little high and it's of concern to the doctor so she suggested I try to get more rest. If it's still high in a week, they might put me on bed rest. Aghhhh! That really is what it sounds like...I would lay around on my left side (and right sometimes to switch it up) all day. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that so I've been busy laying around as much as I can these past couple of days. On to better news...
My parents came to visit for the Christmas holiday. On Christmas Eve we went out for lobster. There's a local place that flies in lobster from Maine and it's sooo good.

Here we are enjoying our Christmas Eve dinner.
Christmas Day we baked lots of cookies and lounged around. My mom and I baked pistachio cranberry biscotti, peanut butter cookies, pistachio sugar cookies, and cranberry oatmeal cookies. They all turned out yummy and when my parents headed home, they took most of the cookies with them to give to my aunts and uncles.
The kitties had a pretty good Christmas. I put all their favorite things in their stockings. Monkey got a bag of treats, Major got a bag of catnip and a
furmination, and Noodles got some grass. I'm not sure who had a better Christmas - Major rolling around in catnip, getting brushed, or Noodles chomping on his grass under the tree.
The only other highlight of our long weekend was watching the Patriots play a very good game against Buffalo. Despite their win, they didn't make the playoffs and are only the second team in recent NFL history to finish 11-5 and not make the playoffs. The clincher was Brett Favre playing a terrible game causing the Jets to loose to Miami and allow Miami to stay in 1st place. While we watched the Jets game as Favre fans for 3 hours, we caught glimpses of the Eagles vs. Cowboys game. Ouch! Poor Cowboys fans - sorry Pablo and Jaime. Maybe next year.
We've been playing around a lot with our digital camera. It's been fun. Here's a good Monkey picture that initially looked like a mistake because it was all washed out but is actually pretty nice.

Happy New Year!!